Antenatal Clinic
Bookings in the mornings. Follow-up appointments throughout the week.
Baby Immunisations
These are by appointment only with a practice nurse.
Diabetic Clinic
This is run by a practice nurse in conjunction with Dr Babu, by appointment only.
Family Planning
Contraceptive care and advice is provided by all the doctors and some nurses during surgery hours. Please telephone the surgery for an appointment.
Well Woman Clinic
This clinic is run by our very experienced nurse on Monday evening 3.30 – 6.00pm for smears and discussion of women’s health-related issues.
Minor Surgery
Dr Zimmermann carries out minor surgical procedures here at Woolstone Medical Centre by appointment. The doctors will be happy to advise you on this.
A counsellor is available. Please ask your doctor for an appointment.
Minor Surgery
We undertake some minor operations in the Practice such as removal of warts, moles and joint injections. Please speak to a doctor or nurse initially to discuss this.
Flu Vaccination
An influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for patients with heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes and residents of nursing and rest homes. We also advise anyone aged 65 plus to take the opportunity to get vaccinated with this and the pneumonia vaccine.
Please contact the reception staff in October for details of the vaccination dates and to make an appointment. If you are unable to attend the surgery, a home visit will be arranged to undertake this facility.