WhatsApp Channel – Woolstone Medical Centre SE23

We are pleased to introduce our new WhatsApp Channel designed to keep you informed and connected with our surgery. This service will provide you with important updates, health tips, and other valuable information directly to your phone.

Childhood Immunisations awareness campaign

Our autumn-winter vaccination campaigns for the polio booster and annual flu vaccination have highlighted many south east London children are not up to date with their routine vaccinations. We also know there has been a national, and London, dip in MMR immunisations this year.

South East London Integrated Care Services (SELICS) are launching a pilot Childhood Immunisations campaign – mainly in late February and March – to raise awareness amongst parents, carers and guardians of the importance for their children’s health of being up to date with their vaccinations. It focusses on 0-15 year old children and particularly communities where we know rates are low and health inequalities are higher, including BAME populations, refugees and asylum seekers, young and single parents and people living in higher areas of deprivation.

Thumbs Up to Vaccinations from Children in Lewisham

Parents are encouraged to check their ‘Red Book’ and if they don’t have this, to contact their GP to book an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Children unregistered with GPs can still get their vaccinations. There is a specific SEL ICS webpage at: https://www.selondonics.org/childrenshealth/ with more information.

Download the Childhood Immunisation FAQ below

The campaign will include a small amount of targeted radio and podcast advertising, and social media content (including on Facebook).

This campaign reflects one of SELICS’s five strategic priorities, developed alongside health and care partners and the public across SE London, Ensuring a good start in life: ensuring parents, children and families receive the most effective support before and during childbirth and in early years. You can read more about their priorities here: https://www.selondonics.org/who-we-are/our-priorities/